2013 Gaming Forecast by Mike Dreitzer, COO - Americas | bmm testlabs | bmm testlabs

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“2013 – the year of choice”

2013 promises to be BMM’s best year ever! We made some very positive changes in 2012 and had a highly active year, enabling us to set the stage as we lead the way forward in  gaming testing and certification globally.

BMM welcomes 2013 from our new state-of-the-art global headquarters in Las Vegas, Nevada. This new facility is the cornerstone from which we will provide world-class service and training to all of our customers as they seek testing, certification and related services amid an ever-expanding complex technological environment.

BMM sees 2013 as the year that will finally see the gaming industry have an effective choice in testing and certification services around the world. For far too long, testing and certification services have been dominated by a monopolistic situation, perhaps the only monopoly left in gaming. We hope to see an end to that this year.

In 2013 the free market, and not any one party, will dictate the market for lab services. In doing so, the gaming industry will see the fairness and efficiency that is so long over-due in testing and certification services. 2013 will be the year that all those qualified to do so will be allowed to render services to gaming manufacturers, like any other professional services firms, and we believe that the industry as a whole will benefit from this in a significant way.

On the testing side, we expect to see a continued explosion in the interactive and online markets. As we continue to see more and more complex product placed in markets globally, we also see new jurisdictions opening at a steady pace. BMM will continue to provide our high-quality of professional services to keep up with jurisdictional roll-out goals.

It’s become clear that online gaming has arrived in the US and yet there remains much uncertainty about how to move forward. In the new year, BMM will expand our education program, specifically aimed at training and leadership in the online gaming space. BMM remains committed to provide independent and impartial education to regulators, manufacturers and operators alike, working hand-in-hand with all stakeholders as they determine their way forward. In 2013 BMM will be producing an extensive schedule of training and seminar events to tackle this important issue.

In 2013 and onwards, BMM will strengthen it’s commitment to keep cutting edge product on the floor everywhere, at all the times, while maintaining the highest quality of testing standards in the global gaming industry.
