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BMM Testlabs ‘Next Generation Initiative’ Donates to Spirit of Sovereignty at Indian Gaming Tradeshow 2023

BMM Testlabs ‘Next Generation Initiative’ Donates to Spirit of Sovereignty at Indian Gaming Tradeshow 2023

BMM Testlabs ‘Next Generation Initiative’ Donates to Spirit of Sovereignty at Indian Gaming Tradeshow 2023

BMM Testlabs is pleased to announce that its Next Generation Initiative presented a donation to Spirit of Sovereignty in the Tribal Leader’s Lounge at the Indian Gaming Association Tradeshow and Convention on March 29, 2023. The donation was presented in the Tribal Leader’s Lounge with special guests Chairman Ernie Stevens, Jr. (Chairman of the Indian Gaming Association), David Garelick (Spirit of Sovereignty Liaison), Travis Foley (Executive Vice President, BMM Testlabs), and Holly Billy (Senior Tribal Services Manager, BMM Testlabs). Holly Billy, Senior Tribal Services Manager, BMM Testlabs, commented, “Spirit of Sovereignty is an IGA-advised donor fund that helps make higher education a reality for deserving Indian students. The values and mission of BMM’s Next Generation Initiative match the goals of the Spirit of Sovereignty, and we are grateful for the opportunity to support their efforts.” David Garelick, Spirit of Sovereignty Liaison, expressed thanks on behalf of the fund, “We greatly appreciate BMM Testlabs’ support for our goals of elevating Indigenous students through flexible scholarships tailored to their needs. BMM’s generosity will help hard-working young men and women in Indian Country pursue their dreams of higher education. Our advisory board, community donors, and strategic partners believe education is a vital component of sovereignty. Opportunities for higher education today ensure that Indian youth become the qualified leaders of tomorrow.” Billy concluded, “BMM’s Next Generation Initiative provides access to financial and educational resources to ensure the success of Tribal youth. This initiative has been active for seven years, and we look forward to providing more and more assistance to Tribal communities over the next few years.” For more information about Spirit of Sovereignty, please visit https://spiritofsov.org/. For more information about BMM’s Next Generation Initiative, please...

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BMM Testlabs Supporting the 2023 Indian Gaming Tradeshow & Convention

BMM Testlabs Supporting the 2023 Indian Gaming Tradeshow & Convention

BMM Testlabs, the world’s original gaming test lab and product certification consultancy, is pleased to support the Indian Gaming Association Tradeshow and Convention in San Diego between March 27-30, 2023. BMM Testlabs is a proud sponsor of the Indian Gaming Association show this year, supporting the Opening Ceremony, Chairman’s Luncheon, and more. Holly Billy, Senior Tribal Services Manager, commented, “BMM has been a proud member and supporter of the Indian Gaming Association since 2006. This year we are delighted to be sponsoring the IGA tradeshow while also taking part in various presentations, panels, and events throughout the week. BMM is honored to be able to work alongside our Tribal partners at this prestigious Tribal event and looks forward to welcoming guests to our private VIP room on the show floor.” BMM Testlabs will be presenting a donation to Spirit of Sovereignty through BMM’s Next Generation Initiative. Billy continued, “Spirit of Sovereignty is an IGA-advised donor fund that helps make higher education a reality for deserving Indian students. BMM’s Next Generation Initiative is very pleased to be able to make a difference in tomorrow’s Tribal communities today.” BMM Testlabs will be taking part in the following presentations during the Indian Gaming Association show. Please come and join us! 1pm, Wednesday March 29th in the Tribal Leader’s Lounge BMM Testlabs will be presenting a donation to the Spirit of Sovereignty 3pm, Wednesday March 29th in the Tribal Leader’s Lounge The BMM-sponsored panel ‘Redefining the Elements of Vendor Onboarding to Install’ will discuss creative, innovative, and effective regulation on trending issues faced by Tribal gaming regulators Panelists: Myron Salvador (Executive Director Santa Clara Pueblo Gaming Commission), Jalene Wells (Gaming Commissioner, Eastern Shawnee Gaming Commission, Jose Gonzalez (Director of Compliance, Tuolumne Me-Wuk Tribal Gaming Agency), Jennifer Lasher (Licensing Manager, Snoqualmie Gaming Commission), and moderated by Jerad Swimmer (Director Business Development, BIG...

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BMM Testlabs Partners with AISES for Paid Summer Internship Opportunities for Tribal Students

BMM Testlabs Partners with AISES for Paid Summer Internship Opportunities for Tribal Students

BMM Testlabs is pleased to announce that applications for the summer 2023 Tribal Gaming internship program, powered through the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), will be selected in the upcoming weeks. BMM looks forward to welcoming paid STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) interns into its laboratory to receive hands-on experience assessing gaming technology integrity, accountability, functionality, and more with BMM’s expert team of test engineers. BMM’s internship program is part of the company’s Next Generation Initiative, where BMM gives back to Tribal communities by presenting opportunities in Tribal gaming for hard-working Indigenous students. BMM received applications from many qualified students through the AISES internship portal. Applicants include students that are pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees in computer science, computer engineering, computer programming, electrical engineering, and more. The selected intern(s) will have the opportunity to perform statistical analysis of gaming devices and game probabilities, review gaming devices and system source code, assist with the development of testing procedure, and more at BMM’s Las Vegas headquarters. Rachel Wilson, former BMM Testlabs summer intern, commented, “I applied for the BMM Testlabs internship to see a different side of the technology world and experience working in a billion-dollar industry. During my internship I learned about the gaming industry, the extensive testing process, and just how many moving parts go into getting one game onto a casino floor. This experience allowed me to develop into a well-rounded student with a wide variety of experience. Now, I have graduated from college with a degree in computer science and management. My internship at BMM Testlabs helped me achieve my professional goals, and I recommend it to anyone looking to learn more about the gaming industry.” BMM is currently assessing candidates for summer 2023 paid internships and looks forward to welcoming the selected intern(s)...

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Exclusive interview: InterGame and Martin Storm

Exclusive interview: InterGame and Martin Storm

Exclusive interview between InterGame Magazine and Martin Storm, Executive Chairman and CEO of BMM Testlabs International and BMM Innovation Group “BIG” InterGame: Martin, thanks for joining us in 2023, which we hope is another exciting year for gaming worldwide. What casino gaming industry trends can we expect to continue into the new year? Storm: Thanks, it’s always a pleasure. 2023 should be a year of growth for all gaming industry participants. The industry has seen land-based gaming records in the United States and online gaming records in Europe over the last two years. Africa and South America have been much stronger, as has Australia and Asia. On the land-based side, not all the spending has trickled down to all participants, but it is beginning. We are also seeing new market opportunities beckon in Brazil and Japan. InterGame: How did the pandemic affect BMM as a business and as a team of people? Storm: The pandemic was and still is a human, social, and economic challenge. Hopefully now, with vaccinations, targeted boosters, and appropriate social behaviors, we are learning to live with it more effectively. At BMM, these were important factors in how we managed, structured, and built our business between 2020 and 2022. Luckily, with great thanks to our staff and leadership, we got through it safely as a team. From the business perspective, the largest impact has been the churn of staff throughout the gaming industry. There was also a shortage of available resources, and the resultant increase in wages in local markets due to unmet demand. Thankfully, BMM has managed its churn well and we continue to grow, having hired about 50% more staff since January 2020. In 2022 BMM saw its sixth consecutive year of record revenue and EBITDA. BMM continues to be a leading force in the global gaming testing and certification market. InterGame: From the laboratory perspective, what is happening in the global gaming product segments? Storm: There has not been a great deal of innovation in the land-based games product segment since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. However, we are seeing a lot of interesting hardware and more complex math in games, particularly from the major gaming equipment manufacturers. Given our growth, BMM has invested significantly in our mathematical engineering groups around the world. In line with that, we have invested heavily in software tools that advance our math testing and certification. In addition to innovation, manufacturers have placed a greater focus on land-based markets outside the traditional Class III and Class II offerings. Historical Horse Racing is a great example of a product segment that has grown over the past few years from just one or two suppliers to almost every major manufacturer supplying their products to this expanding market segment.  In the online space we saw massive growth between 2018 and 2021, which moderated somewhat in 2022, although BMM’s growth rates were still high. Throughout that period, BMM has grown from the number six to the number two supplier of online testing and certification services in a marketplace more fragmented for gaming laboratory suppliers (particularly in Europe). The unique pieces in online product certification are the security testing and audits. BMM has grown significantly in this segment and has since responded by establishing new dedicated teams and expanding the existing teams around the world. The North American market has seen its most significant expansion primarily in the sports wagering segment, and, to a lesser extent, the online casino segment. Because of this growth we have seen some of the most well-established suppliers from overseas and many new market entrants...

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BMM terá laboratório no Brasil e acompanha os rumos do iGaming em toda a América Latina

BMM terá laboratório no Brasil e acompanha os rumos do iGaming em toda a América Latina

A BMM Testlabs esteve mais uma vez presente à ICE London para apresentar ao mercado global de jogos suas soluções de testes e certificação de produtos/serviços. Em conversa exclusiva com o GMB, Marzia Turrini, VP LatAm e Europa, destacou o avanço na regulamentação de novas jurisdições, inclusive Brasil. “Estamos prontos para atender às demandas do país, onde teremos um laboratório e equipe local. Games Magazine Brasil – Mais uma vez na Feira de Londres, como você avalia a participação de vocês na ICE London?Marzia Turrini – Esta feira é fantástica e a primeira após a pandemia. Estamos muito satisfeitos pelo público e pelo interesse em nossas soluções, pois voltamos à temporada pré-covid. Quais são as novidades da BMM na ICE London?A BMM é um laboratório de certificação, compliance e muitos serviços a operadores, fornecedores e reguladores. Na feira, estamos destacando o lançamento de nossas novas divisões, que são a Big Cyber, que se especializou na área de cyber segurança, e a RG24seven, um conceito muito mais focado em jogo responsável e ações voltadas para a proteção do jogador. É muito importante a questão do cyber segurança, já que é muito sensível à operação online!Verdade, e não somente na área do iGaming, mas em todos os setores. Na agenda dos conselhos de administração de todas as indústrias a cyber segurança está em primeiro lugar. Há cada dias mais casos de ataques cibernéticos e é superimportante proteger-se e entender que o monitoramento 24/7 é essencial. Ele não vai prevenir, pois isso acontece, mas é possível controlar e preparar-se quanto à defesa ao ser detectado um ataque. O tema de cyber segurança, de qualquer maneira, é muito relevante no setor de jogo e é onde estamos nos focando, para ajudar os operadores, provedores B2B, jogo online e presencial, para que estejam mais seguros e protejam suas empresas e jogadores. Vocês têm muitos clientes na América Latina. Como foram os contatos com os players regionais?Há muitos clientes da América Latina em Londres e foi um prazer estar com eles. Evidentemente se fala muito do Brasil e todos estão à espera da abertura do mercado Nós já estamos preparados e no dia que isso acontecer, teremos a BMM no Brasil para entrar e oferecer confiabilidade e segurança para o país, como fazemos na Europa e resto do mundo. Estão acompanhando tudo o que acontece em termos de regulamentação?Sim. Estamos em dia com o que vem ocorrendo. Sabemos que faltam alguns passos, mas até agora o que foi feito em termos de regulamentação está adequado. Ou seja, está protegendo o jogador e ao mesmo tempo irá ajudar a indústria, sem barreiras para operar corretamente no mercado, como aconteceu em algumas jurisdições. Quais são os planos da BMM para 2023 e especialmente para o Brasil?Como já falei, para nós – assim como para toda a indústria do jogo – o Brasil será a prioridade número 1. Será um dos mercados mais importantes para a indústria. Por isso, estamos trabalhando para ter um laboratório no Brasil e uma forte presença local. Enquanto aos planos gerais, estamos presentes em todo o mundo e nosso plano é crescer com a indústria, tendo licenças e acreditações em quaisquer jurisdições que se abram. Há muito interesse sobre o que vai acontecer no Peru, Chile e Uruguai, que estão trabalhando para regular o jogo online e esperamos que isso aconteça entre este ano e 2024. Mas há outros mercados que também estão trabalhando nisso, como a Bolívia, Equador, República Dominicana e Paraguai. Ou seja, esperamos muito crescimento na região da América Latina. Fonte: Exclusivo...

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