BMM Testlabs supports NCRG Conference on Gambling and Addiction | bmm testlabs | bmm testlabs

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BMM Testlabs announced today that it will be sponsoring the National Center for Responsible Gaming (NCRG), Conference on Gambling and Addiction, 27-29 September 2015.

The NCRG Conference on Gambling and Addiction is a unique forum for the industry, healthcare providers, researchers and regulators to discuss the latest research on gambling disorder and responsible gaming. This year’s nationally-renowned speakers will address how to strengthen treatment of disordered gamblers, develop science-based policies to reduce gambling problems, and increase understanding of gambling addiction among minorities, women and young people.

Martin Storm, BMM’s President and CEO commented, “As a socially responsible company operating withing the global gaming sector, BMM understands the need to support education and awareness of responsible gaming. We are delighted to be involved with the NCRG in sponsoring the annual conference and applaud their work in this field.”

Christine Reilly, Senior Research Director, National Center for Responsible Gaming added, “The NCRG is immensely grateful to BMM Testlabs and the other gaming-related companies that support the conference. Their funding makes it possible for NCRG to deliver a high quality conference at rates affordable to academics and healthcare providers.”

For more information on the National Center for Responsible Gaming Conference on Gambling and Addiction: