BMM looks for people who want to be part of something special; a journey that is more than just the next line on a resume. If you have the qualifications and you want to be part of one of the best professional services firms in the world, then we would like to hear from you. BMM is always looking for talented individuals. If you do not see a current career opportunity that fits your skills you can still submit your resume.
current job openings
Preskusni inženir – Ljubljana, Slovenija
BMM Testlabs, priznani mednarodni preskusni laboratorij za preskušanje iger na srečo in drugih igralniških produktov, vključno s spletnimi igrami na srečo, išče nove sodelavce v Ljubljani. Sodelavci bodo delovali na projektih v skupinah in poročali vodji skupine. Ponujena zaposlitev je za nedoločen čas in s 6 mesečnim poskusnim obdobjem.
Iščemo več profilov (vlog) preskusnih inženirjev. Preskusni inženir lahko opravlja eno od naslednjih vlog:
- Funkcionalno preskušanje: Tehnično preskušanje platform in iger na srečo. Ta vloga zahteva poznavanje postopkov preskušanja, tehničnih igralniških standardov, različnih igralnih platform in sistemov.
- Matematik / matematični analitik: Izvajanje statistične analize matematičnih modelov iger na srečo in izvajanje statistične analize generatorjev naključnosti (RNG).
- Programer: Pregled izvorne kode igralniških produktov, spletnih iger na srečo in sistemov, sistemov loterij itd.
- Strokovnjak za informacijsko varnost: Ocenjevanje sistemov za upravljanje informacijske varnosti (SUVI / ISMS), ali ti izpolnjujejo opredeljene varnostne standarde. Poznavanje zadevnih standardov, regulatornih okvirov, dobrih praks, ranljivosti in varnostnih tveganj.
Če lahko kandidat opravlja več kot eno od zgoraj navedenih vlog, se to šteje kot prednost pri pridobitvi delovnega mesta.
Iskane sposobnosti kandidata
Sposobnost dela s strankami: Razume potrebe in pričakovanja strank. Ponuja nasvete in/ali storitve za izpolnitev zahtev strank. Obravnava težave strank, regulatorjev in drugih zainteresiranih strani na način, ki izpolnjuje pričakovanja strank, kjer koli je to mogoče.
Samoiniciativnost in učenje: Potrpežljiv in motiviran, tudi ko pride do težav. Ohranja dosleden pristop k delu in k interakcijam z drugimi. Pripravljen na usposabljanje za povečanje svojega doprinosa; določa si jasne osebne in neposredne cilje učenja. Želi se naučiti vsega, kar je potrebno za izpolnitev in preseganje trenutnih delovnih obveznosti. Želi izobraževati tudi druge člane ekipe.
Komunikacija: Jasno in jedrnato komunicira tako pisno kot ustno. Aktivno posluša druge in išče pojasnila. Podpira ekipo pri interakciji s strankami, regulatorji in drugimi. Zmožen prevesti kompleksne tehnične informacije v obliko, razumljivo svetovalcem, strankam in državnim uradnikom.
Doseganje rezultatov: Prevzema odgovornost za doseganje svojih rezultatov. Vključuje člane skupine pri obravnavi težavnih tehničnih in regulativnih vprašanj. Smiselno izrablja vire. Zaključuje svoje naloge in projekte.
Zahtevana znanja in izkušnje kandidata:
- Strokovna, višješolska ali visokošolska izobrazba tehničnih smeri (inženir).
- Dobre komunikacijske veščine (pisno in ustno).
- Tekoča komunikacija v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku (pisno in ustno).
- Dobro poznavanje Windows okolja in Office orodij.
- Glede na izbrani profil / vlogo je zahtevano:
- Funkcionalno preskušanje: Najmanj eno leto delovnih izkušenj pri delu s sodobno strojno informacijsko / komunikacijsko opremo; ali: drugačno dokazovanje poznavanja dela s to opremo.
- Matematik / matematični analitik: Zelo dobro poznavanje matematično / analitičnega dela v Excelu, lahko tudi z drugimi matematičnimi in statističnimi programskimi orodji. Poznavanje osnov statistike.
- Programer: Najmanj eno leto delovnih izkušenj s preskušanjem programske opreme; ali: najmanj eno leto delovnih izkušenj z aktivnim razvojem programske opreme. Izkušnje s prevajalniki, razvojnimi okolji.
- Strokovnjak za informacijsko varnost: Najmanj eno leto delovnih izkušenj s sistemi za upravljanje informacijske varnosti (SUVI / ISMS).
Dodatne prednosti kandidata (niso pogoj):
- Znanje španskega jezika
- Izkušnje v sektorju iger na srečo
- Izkušnje z delom v globalnem okolju
- Izkušnje s preskušanjem strojne opreme
- Poznavanje Linux okolij
Prednosti ponujenega delovnega mesta:
- Konkurenčna plača
- Izkušena, dinamična in dostopna ekipa
- Obsežno usposabljanje na delovnem mestu
Test Engineer – Ljubljana, Slovenia
Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
BMM, a renowned international testing laboratory for testing of games of chance and other casino, gambling, and gambling-related products, including online / internet gambling, is looking for new colleagues in Ljubljana. New colleagues will work in teams and report to group managers. The offered position is for unlimited period of time and with a 6 month probation period.
We are looking for several profiles / roles of test engineers. Each test engineer can opt for one of the following positions:
- Regression / functional testing: Evaluating platforms and games of chance. This position requires knowledge of testing procedures, technical gaming standards, various gaming platforms and systems.
- Mathematician / Math analyst: Performing statistical analysis of mathematical models of games of chance and performing statistical analysis of RNG.
- Software programmer: Evaluating source code of the gaming machines, games of chance, internet games of chance and systems, lotteries, etc.
- Information Security analyst / professional: Evaluating Information Security Management Systems (ISMS), ensuring they selected security standards. Requires knowledge of current regulatory frameworks, best practices, vulnerabilities, and security risks.
If test engineer can perform more than one of the above roles, this is regarded as an additional benefit for obtaining the work position.
Personal competencies
Customer Focus: Seeks to understand the needs and wants of customers. Offers advice, and/or services to meet customer requirements, within role context. Addresses more complex queries and concerns of the customer, regulators and other stakeholders in a manner that satisfies the customers’ expectations, wherever possible.
Self-Management and Learning: Keeps patient and motivated, even when difficulties occur. Maintains a consistent approach to work and interactions with others. Willing to undertake training to enhance contribution. Sets clear personal and learning goals. Seeks to learn all that is required to meet and exceed current work responsibilities and coach other members of the team.
Communication: Communicates clearly and concisely in both written and verbal form. Actively listens to others and seeks clarification to promote understanding. Offers support to the team when interaction with customers, regulators and others becomes challenging. Translates complex technical information into a form that can be understood and embraced by consultants, customers, and regulators.
Result Focus: Takes responsibility for achieving results within own level of authority. Involves team members in addressing difficult technical and regulatory issues. Completes work tasks conscientiously and with best use of resources. Persists to ensure successful task completion.
Required qualifications and experience:
- Engineering/Science degree (4-5 Year) or Technical Degree (2 Year).
- Good communication skills (written and verbal).
- Fluent in Slovene and English languages (written and verbal).
- Good knowledge of Microsoft Windows / Office environments and tools.
- Depending on the chosen role / position, the following is also required:
- Regression / functional testing: Minimum 1 year of working experience with modern information technology hardware / communications equipment hardware; or: an alternative knowledge proof of working with such equipment.
- Mathematician / Math analyst: Very good knowledge of mathematical / analytical work in Microsoft Excel, possibly also with other mathematical and statistical software packages. Good knowledge of (at least the basics of) statistics.
- Software programmer: Minimum 1 year of software testing work experience; or: minimum 1 year of active software development work experience. Experience with compilers and development environments.
- Information Security analyst / professional: Minimum 1 year working experience with Information Security Management Systems.
Additional preferred knowledge and experience (not required):
- Knowledge of Spanish language
- Experience in the gaming sector
- Experience working in a global environment
- Hardware testing experience
- Knowledge of Linux environments
Benefits of the offered positions:
- Competitive salary
- Experienced, dynamic, and approachable team
- Extensive on-the-job training