Online Gaming: Location, Location, Location | bmm testlabs | bmm testlabs

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Online gambling is quickly becoming one of the fastest growing sectors of the industry. Pundits, futurists and stakeholders all talk breathlessly about the boundless limits of virtual reality, the possibilities of new hardware, AI, social and multiplayer functionality. There are many good reasons for the optimism and excitement. The opportunities for technology and business to expand online are huge and growing exponentially every day.

This paper is not another swing at the crystal ball of the future of online gaming. The purpose of this paper is to outline some of the challenges facing this new frontier of gambling and to dive deeper into one fascinating facet that most people don’t recognize until they are playing an online casino game while crossing state lines, geolocation.

On the radar

  • Navigation, cartography, geolocation and online gambling: a history in knowing where you are and where you can place an online wager
  • An interview with a pioneer in geolocation services, the Chairman and Founder of GeoComply, Anna Sainsbury
  • How GeoComply started
  • The geolocation equation at the outset of online gaming
  • Where geolocation is working
  • Spoofing
  • What’s next for geolocation

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