A Message from BMM's CEO Martin Storm Regarding COVID-19 | bmm testlabs | bmm testlabs

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As our world faces the impacts of COVID-19, BMM continues to prioritize staff, customers and those in our global and local communities. Our BMM leadership have established a Crisis Action & Response for Employees (CARE) Committee to ensure the welfare of our staff, their well-being, health and safety as well as ensuring business continuity for all of our customers and staff.

BMM has 14 offices around the world and we employ more than 400 staff. At each of these locations we are utilizing best practices, increased health and safety education and stringent guidelines for staff. We are utilizing remote testing and work from home for a great many of our global employees. For those working in a lab, we are ensuring their safety through meticulous cleaning procedures and meeting and exceeding social distancing guidelines. Importantly, we are providing continuous, productive and high quality testing, remote security and remote management for our customer’s games and systems.

In the attached White Paper ‘An overview of BMM’s Approach to Remote Testing During COVID-19 Crisis’ you will see, in detail, what steps we are taking to ensure employee’s safety, at the same time as providing an uninterrupted service for our customers.

At times like these it’s important that we all support one another and that’s why BMM would like to extend a helping hand to those in need. If you, or someone that you know needs assistance, please get in touch and we will help out when and wherever we can.

Please be assured that we will continue to provide our customers with the high level of care, attention and service they can always expect from BMM and we look forward to continuing to work with you over these next few weeks.

Stay safe. Remain Positive.

Martin Storm.

Download the white paper HERE