BMM celebrates 30 successful years | bmm testlabs | bmm testlabs

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Posted on Nov 28, 2011

BMM Compliance is pleased to announce we are celebrating our 30th Anniversary in November 2011.

Launched in Australia in 1981, BMM has grown to become one of the world’s leading providers of gaming product certification. Since 2005, BMM has expanded its operations internationally from two to 12 countries in order to service gaming customers worldwide.

Over the last three decades gaming jurisdictions have consistently relied on BMM to help shape regulations and standards. “BMM’s original gaming technical standards for Australia, written in 1992, became the basis for all standards used today in gaming around the world.” states Martin Storm, Global President & CEO. “As such, BMM continues to be the lab of choice for regulators wanting new gaming standards. This success has translated into unprecedented growth in 2011, particularly in our North American business where we have established the industry’s strongest leadership team yet.” Across the world BMM remains the market leader particularly in Australia, Asia and Africa. “We have targeted new investments all around the world to ensure our growth,” said Martin Storm.

BMM has many initiatives planned for 2012 as the 30th anniversary celebration year. Wendy Anderson, VP Marketing & People says, “BMM staff across the globe will celebrate this special occasion and we are planning an
entire year of events with educational workshops, special exhibitions, presentations and awards. As part of this celebration BMM is sponsoring a student scholarship program which will commence in 2012.”

BMM is providing compliance education throughout the gaming industry designed to maintain the highest integrity and standards. Richard Williamson, SVP Regulatory says, “BMM is deeply committed to delivering substantive educational programs and advising regulators on technological advances.”

Mike Dreitzer, COO says of BMM’s growth, “BMM offers manufacturers access to all key markets around the world. Importantly, the largest manufacturers continue to bring more of their business to BMM as they access the world of gaming.”

Martin Storm concludes, “BMM’s global compliance expertise and commitment to quality and innovation over the last 30 years have been the foundation of our growing regulatory and customer partnerships worldwide.”