BMM Compliance works with CANIETI to create Mexican Standards | bmm testlabs | bmm testlabs

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BMM is pleased to announce that it is working with CANIETI’s Section 4 as industry experts for the creation of technical standards (NOM) for class II, class III and electronic table games. BMM is very excited to be the first gaming industry independent test lab, of any kind, to be a member of this influential Chamber and we expect that other ITLs will follow BMM’s lead to request membership.

CANIETI, La Cámara Nacional de la Industria Electrónica, de Telecomunicaciones y Tecnologías de la Información, is a prestigious and influential Chamber in Mexico to which over 1,000 electronic, software and IT industry companies belong. CANIETI’s Section 4 represents the gaming industry with nearly 35 companies and one Mexican Gaming Association.

BMM has been working collaboratively with the members of CANIETI and, simultaneously, with the Secretaria de Gobernacion (SEGOB) on this important project creating new rules for modern gaming products. The rapidly growing Mexican Gaming industry is seeking a stable regulatory environment with integrity and accountability. Mexico has been operating under the existing 1947 law and these new rules will help promote a reliable structured environment to the world’s single largest gaming industry operating under one set of federal regulations and one federal regulatory body; i.e. SEGOB.