BMM license by the State of New Jersey is renewed | bmm testlabs | bmm testlabs

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BMM Compliance is pleased to announce that its license has been renewed by the New Jersey Casino Control Commission. This renewal is important to BMM because it enables the company to offer its technical services to operators in Atlantic City and also make itself available to the Division of Gaming Enforcement, if required. With this renewal, BMM maintains over 350 licenses and recognitions globally.

Martin Storm, CEO of BMM Compliance, said “The recognition by New Jersey speaks to the credibility of any company. I have personally been through hundreds of investigations by gaming regulators globally and the detailed information required to be found suitable by the CCC and DGE is extensive. It is no wonder that many other gaming jurisdictions rely on the NJ investigation for suitability purposes. With this renewal, BMM moves closer to achieving complete North American license coverage. With NJ completed, our team will refocus their efforts on the relatively few outstanding jurisdictions left in the USA, which are mostly located in the Mid West. The US gaming industry will hugely benefit from the significant transformation that will occur when each major jurisdiction recognizes multiple gaming test labs. The gaming industry’s availability to testing services that operate freely without a monopoly will be a breath of fresh air for North America.”

“Receiving the license renewal from New Jersey is extremely significant to BMM.” Richard Williamson, SVP Operations, Americas said, “New Jersey was home turf for me for a long time and I have a genuine appreciation for the value of completing the rigorous licensing standards of the Garden State.”