BMM Peru celebrates a milestone anniversary | bmm testlabs | bmm testlabs

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BMM International (BMM) is pleased to announce offices in Peru, South America are celebrating five years in operations this month. Drew Pawlak, SVP Business Development – Americas comments “BMM made the decision to open in Peru as it was one of the only formally regulated markets in all of South America. Over the last few years we have seen so many changes in the region. In particular we are very pleased to have supported this process of change for MINCETUR and Peruvian gaming stakeholders.”

Pawlak continues “Since we opened in 2007, MINCETUR has brought all locations under the licensing program and they have rolled out SUCTR standards and the vast majority of locations are now connected to their Data Center. Furthermore, they are now in the process of promulgating server based gaming standards. It’s really been great to watch and support the team at MINCETUR. Under their guidance the market has really stabilized and matured.”

In addition to providing jobs to the local market, BMM has helped several regional manufacturers expand their markets internationally, including the US. “With the assistance and support of BMM Peru and their US offices, our company was able to expand our products into other global markets” said Peter Palexas, CEO of Intervision Games. “In small countries like Peru, having a real local lab with global coverage really helped us to understand the international requirements, and then of course test our products” Palexas continued.

Fernando Cuellar, Senior Manager for Client Services, BMM Peru, said, “I joined BMM in January 2008 from another lab. Consequently, being involved with the global leadership team at BMM has really expanded and accelerated my knowledge base, and that of BMM Peru’s engineering team.” Cuellar continued, “Now we not only support local testing for manufacturers, but we support international clients entering this market as well as many other projects globally. As BMM Peru works with other BMM offices in Europe, the US, South Africa and Australia we bring back that knowledge and experience to our market here, and of course that benefits all.”