BMM Presents Panel on Gaming Industry Careers at AISES National Conference | bmm testlabs | bmm testlabs

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BMM Testlabs is pleased to announce that it will be presenting the panel discussion ‘Introduction to Careers in the Gaming Industry’ at the 2015 AISES National Conference, November 19-21, 2015 at the Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix, AZ.

The American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) National conference has become the premier event for American Indian Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) students and professionals attracting over 1,800 attendees from across the country. The annual conference is a three-day event focused on educational, professional and workforce development with attendees from American Indian high schools, colleges, educators, professionals, tribal nations, tribal enterprises, universities, corporations and government agencies.

Travis Foley, EVP Operations, Americas, commented “BMM is very pleased to be presenting this panel on careers to AISES conference attendees. It’s imperative that the gaming industry continues to attract talented and educated young people to join our industry, and this is a great way to introduce the members of AISES to gaming careers. Through this event, and the prestigious panel of speakers, we will be highlighting a variety of gaming career options to the STEM students. Importantly, BMM wants to hire the best and brightest and AISES is an attractive place to look.”

Participants on the panel include Cynthia Hays, Executive Director, Global Technical Operations, Scientific Games; Nimish Purohit, Chief Technology Officer, GPS Technologies; Peter Nikiper, Director of Technical Compliance, BMM Testlabs; Lance Vallo, Phoenix Region Director, NIGC; and Ken Golda, Regulatory Compliance Manager, VGT. The panel will be moderated by Jodi DiLascio, Vice President, American Checked.