BMM Testlabs Receives Buenos Aires Accreditation | bmm testlabs | bmm testlabs

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BMM Testlabs is pleased to announce that the IPLIC (El Instituto de Loteria y Casinos) has authorized BMM Testlabs to certify online games in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

SVP, Business Development Europe and South America, Marzia Turrini, commented, “BMM is proud to be able to service clients and issue online certifications in the jurisdiction. We have enjoyed working with everyone at the institute and we appreciate the support of the board of directors and the legal department in achieving this approval.”

“This new measure provided by the IPLIC will allow different providers of online gaming devices to offer the latest products to the operators of the Province of Buenos Aires. BMM now has the ability to fully service the entire region.” concluded Turrini.

Carlos Gloza, Representative of BMM Testlabs in the Argentina, confirmed that he was very pleased with this new measure and stated, “It’s clear that BMM’s presence is growing fast and we are looking forward to serving all clients in the region.”