Casino Enterprise Management – 2014 Gaming Industry Forecast: Part 3
Last year at this time, BMM announced our move to new state-of-the-art global headquarters. We knew that we would continue to grow in 2013, but just a year later we are pleased to announce that we are already set to expand our test lab facility in Las Vegas by early 2014. As the economy continues to improve, this is just one example of the growth we have seen in the gaming industry over the last year. For BMM Testlabs the recovery has translated into significant expansion, as demand for our highly qualified staff and services continues to grow.Looking to 2014, we see the industry continuing to embrace technical innovation and competition to lower costs and increase efficiencies.
Major manufacturers will release new gaming platforms and games while facing increased competition from smaller manufacturers who are keen to expand their global footprints. Operators will focus on technologies from a greater number of suppliers to expand and improve the patron experience. Regulators will look to allow new technology into their jurisdictions as they continue to face slowly improving revenue and increasing competition from neighboring jurisdictions. All will be looking for that special innovation or efficiency that will drive their own growth in the market, and all will be looking to each other to play their part.
For independent testing laboratories, these are all opportunities to build and grow partnerships. As we have always done, BMM will continue to assist manufacturers, operators and regulators in their endeavors, but during this upcoming year significant changes can be made to create real and tangible differences. At BMM we believe that creating efficiencies and lowering costs while maintaining the highest levels of integrity and accountability is key.
Importantly, increased competition and standardization in the independent testing laboratory sector will make a marked improvement in the gaming industry with benefits for all stakeholders. Independent testing laboratories must work together as manufacturers, operators and regulators have done in the past for true efficiencies and real customer choice in the gaming testing marketplace to be realized.
As I continue my role at BMM after many years as a gaming regulator, I am impressed by the industry’s ability to grow and work together. I am reminded, however, that the industry still faces obstacles. Whether it’s education, regulations, technology or testing—BMM Testlabs will continue to be at the forefront, offering advice to all regulatory agencies, manufacturers and operators to assist a smooth transition into 2014 and beyond. BMM wishes choice, prosperity and growth to the gaming industry in 2014.