BMM Peru celebrates a milestone anniversary
BMM Peru celebrates a milestone anniversary
BMM International (BMM) is pleased to announce offices in Peru, South America are celebrating five years in operations this month. Drew Pawlak, SVP Business Development – Americas comments “BMM made the decision to open in Peru as it was one of the only formally regulated markets in all of South America. Over the last few years we have seen so many changes in the region. In particular we are very pleased to have supported this process of change for MINCETUR and Peruvian gaming stakeholders.” Pawlak continues “Since we opened in 2007, MINCETUR has brought all locations under the licensing program and they have rolled out SUCTR standards and the vast majority of locations are now connected to their Data Center. Furthermore, they are now in the process of promulgating server based gaming standards. It’s really been great to watch and support the team at MINCETUR. Under their guidance the market has really stabilized and matured.” In addition to providing jobs to the local market, BMM has helped several regional manufacturers expand their markets internationally, including the US. “With the assistance and support of BMM Peru and their US offices, our company was able to expand our products into other global markets” said Peter Palexas, CEO of Intervision Games. “In small countries like Peru, having a real local lab with global coverage really helped us to understand the international requirements, and then of course test our products” Palexas continued. Fernando Cuellar, Senior Manager for Client Services, BMM Peru, said, “I joined BMM in January 2008 from another lab. Consequently, being involved with the global leadership team at BMM has really expanded and accelerated my knowledge base, and that of BMM Peru’s engineering team.” Cuellar continued, “Now we not only support local testing for manufacturers, but we support international clients entering this market as well as many other projects globally. As BMM Peru works with other BMM offices in Europe, the US, South Africa and Australia we bring back that knowledge and experience to our market here, and of course that benefits...
Read MoreBMM is formally accredited by Autoridad de Fiscalización y Control Social del Juego in Bolivia
BMM International (BMM) the world’s leading gaming testing laboratory and technical consultancy, is pleased to announce that it has been formally accredited by Autoridad de Fiscalización y Control Social del Juego in Bolivia. As the Autoridad del Juego (AJ) prepares to begin licensing operators, manufacturers and homologating gaming equipment again, this accreditation ensures that BMM will be at the forefront of the re-emerging Bolivian market. Fernando Cuellar, Senior Manager for Client Services, BMM Peru said, “This has been a very interesting process for all of South America to watch, as the AJ approach to introducing formal regulatory structure was unique. Historically Bolivia was a bustling market, albeit less regulated. Now AJ are introducing full licensing requirements in regard to their unique standards, all these moves are very positive steps towards developing a well regulated and stable market.” Mike Dreitzer, COO of BMM said, “As a global service provider it’s imperative for our clients that BMM is recognized or licensed by every jurisdiction in the world. We are very grateful to Mario Cazon, Director Ejecutivo of AJ for his assistance throughout this process.” Dreitzer continued, “Although the licensing process in each jurisdiction is somewhat unique, with the clear direction that BMM was provided we were able to successfully meet the requirements of another jurisdiction, once again. I am proud to say that BMM’s office in Peru is doing incredibly well and assisting the regional regulatory community. We look forward to adding Autoridad del Juego to our client...
Read MoreBMM enters agreement with Verificacion Versatil to certify systems in Mexico for the Tax Administration Services (SAT)
BMM International (BMM) is pleased to announce that it has been selected by Verificacion Versatil to review and certify systems of Authorized Service Providers (PSAs) for both land-based and online gaming throughout Mexico. The approach will ensure that tax reporting is appropriate and accurate as regulated by the Servicio de Administracion Tributaria (SAT). In this process BMM will review the Authorized Service Providers (PSA’s) system for casino operators in Mexico, conduct the necessary testing, and report results to the SAT on a real-time basis. Led by Hermilo Peregrina and assisted by various tax professionals, Verificacion Versatil is the leading authority on information security industry standards and tax laws in Mexico for SAT compliance within the gaming and gambling industry. “Here at Verificacion Versatil we are very excited to have partnered with BMM to certify systems in Mexico. We researched all possibilities and chose BMM because they are the global leaders when it comes to certifying gaming systems.” said Hermilo Peregrina, Principal of Verificacion Versatil. “BMM’s presence in, and their commitment to Mexico over the years is unmatched” added Hermilo. Mike Dreitzer, COO of BMM North America said, “It makes perfect sense to partner with the technical information technology and tax experts in the Mexican market to provide these important certification services. BMM will work closely with Verification Versatil and SAT for the collective benefit of the Mexican gaming market.” “BMM has been involved in developing markets for over 30 years and we are very pleased to be a part of this great change” said Raul Mondragon, Operations Manager, BMM Mexico. “We look forward to working with Verificacion Versatil and SAT towards setting benchmarks and standards for future development of the gaming industry in...
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BMM se renueva BMM Compliance se mudó a una sede principal cuatro veces más grande para poder seguir desenvolviéndose en la misma proporción que su rápido crecimiento. Sumilla: La nueva sede es mucho más espaciosa y más cómoda para todos. Fue concebida con un revolucionario concepto laboral. Martin Storm, CEO de BMM y amante de la música, hace una analogía entre la performance de un artista y la performance que deberíamos tener en el trabajo. El acelerado crecimiento de BMM Compliance ineludiblemente tenía que ser acompañado de un cambio en su sede mundial. Necesitaba un nuevo centro de operaciones, con mayor amplitud para acoger a los nuevos colaboradores y a los nuevos equipos de última generación de la industria. La compañía expandía sus operaciones y su infraestructura debía hacerlo proporcionalmente. Por eso, tras un enorme esfuerzo de coordinación, recientemente los laboratorios y oficinas de BMM abandonaron las calles de South Eastern Avenue para instalarse en el número 815 de Pilot Road en Las Vegas, donde los esperaba un local con cuatro veces el área anterior. BIENESTAR LABORAL No ha pasado ni un cuarto de año desde entonces, pero el equipo ya se encuentra acostumbrado y feliz con sua nuevas instalaciones, nos comenta Wendy Anderson, Vicepresidenta de marketing de BMM, cuando nos recibe con una cordial sonrisa en la entrada del nuevo bastión. La razón por la que todos gustan de esta nueva sede es porque es mucho más espaciosa y cómoda para todos. Fue concebida con un novedoso concepto laboral, donde el bienestar y la motivación de los trabajadores es la parte esencial que asegura un buen rendimiento. La motivación se expresa hasta en las paredes. Por eso al ingresar nos sorprende una enorme fotografía de una banda de rock que vierte toda su energía en un escenario. Son los músicos del grupo Pearl Jam que sirven de inspiración al equipo de BMM. Más adelante también se observarán fotos de Queen, Led Zeppelin y AC/DC en las instalaciones. “Nuestro presidente global y CEO, Martin Storm, es un amante de la música y por eso hace una analogía entre la performance de un artista en el escenario y la performance que deberíamos tener en el trabajo. Eso es lo que queremos mostrar como motivo de inspiración”, explica Wendy Anderson mientras señala la imagen. ÁREAS DEFINIDAS Luego ingresamos por el área ejecutiva, desde donde se administran los procesos y cifras de la compañía. Dentro de ella, se instala la sección de BMM International, que se encarga de la parte financiera a escala global, y la sección de BMM Américas, que desarrolla esta región que viene tomando más fuerza dentro de los objetivos de la empresa. Siguiendo el recorrido, en la misma planta, también se observan las áreas de Desarrollo de Negocios; de Prestación de Servicios, donde se reúnen los group managers; de Compliance Técnico, y de Compliance Legal, donde se encuentran los especialistas de la empresa para supervisar el tema de las licencias de operaciones. Luego llegamos a una cafetería, que se ha concebido como un área de dispersión donde se cuenta con las facilidades que tendría uno en su hogar: un refrigerador, una máquina de café, hornos microondas, una pantalla de TV. La intención es que sea un espacio de descanso para los trabajadores para que puedan recargar sus energías cuando lo crean necesario. “La idea es hacer un poco más brillante y cómodo el lugar. Para eso hemos puesto gráficos y ciertos diseños, para que la gente se relaje y deje de lado las formalidades que puede tener una empresa”, nos comenta Anderson. PRUEBAS DE CALIDAD Cuando continuamos el...
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“BMM renews itself” BMM Compliance moved to a new headquarters four times larger to keep developing in the same proportion as their rapid growth. Summary: The new building is much more spacious and comfortable for everyone. It was conceived with a revolutionary work concept. Martin Storm, CEO of BMM and music lover, makes an analogy between an artist’s performance and the performance we all should have at work. The accelerated growth of BMM should inevitably be accompanied with a change in its global headquarters. It needed a new center of operations, with a wider amplitude to house their new collaborators and the new last generation equipment of the industry. The company expanded its operations and its infrastructure should do it proportionally. Because of that, after a great effort of coordination, recently BMM laboratories and offices abandoned the sreets of South Easern Avenue to get installed in the 815 de Pilot Road in Las Vegas, where a location with 4 times the previous area awaited them. LABORAL WELFARE Not even a quarter of a year has passed since then but the team is already used to and happy with the new building, comments Wendy Anderson, BMM’s Vice President of marketing, when she welcomes us with a friendly smile at he entrance of the new stronghold. The reason why everyone likes this new headquarters is because it is very spacious and comfortable for everyone. It was conceived with a new laboral concept, where staff welfare and motivation is the escencial part that assures a good performance. Motivation is expressed even on the walls. That is why as soon as we enter the building, a huge picture of a rock band pouring all its energy on an scenario surprises us. They are the musicians of Pearl Jam that serve as inspiration to the BMM team. Later will be found pictures of Queen, Led Zeppelin, and AC/DC within the facilities. “Our global president and CEO, Martin Storm, is a music lover and that is why he makes an analogy between an artist’s performance in an scenario and the performance we should have at work. That is what we want to show as a source of inspiration”, explains Wendy Anderson as she points towards the image. DEFINED AREAS Then we enter through the executive area, from which all processes and numbers of the company are managed. Within it, it is installed the BMM International section, which takes care of the finantial side within a global scale, and the BMM Americas section, which develops this region that is gaining strength within the company’s objectives. Following the tour, within the same floor, it can be observed the areas of Business Development; Service Delivery, where the group managers meet; Technical Compliance, and Legal Compliance, where the company specialists gather to oversee operation licensing matters. Then we enter to a cafeteria, conceived as a scattering area which has what one could find at home: a refrigerator, a coffee machine, a microwave oven, a TV screen. The intention is for it to be an area for all workers to relax and recharge their energies when they think it is necessary. “The idea is to make the place a little brighter and comfortable. For that purpose we have put graphics and certain designs so people can relax and leave behind the formalities associated to an enterprise”, comments Anderson. QUALITY TESTS When we continue the tour, we arrive to a more spacious room, with many slot machines. This is BMM’s laboratory, where diferent clusters of machines grouped by clients were being tested under the supervision of specialized engineers. Next to this...
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